
Thank you to those of you who commented on my last post. It means a lot to know that people care. We wil find another country, we already have a few in mind. I have faith that it will all work out in God's timing and according to His plan. (Although I DO get rather impatient with Him sometimes.) In all honesty, I didn't actually mean to post that post here, I meant to post it on my adoption blog, but clicked on the wrong blog on my dashboard. I didn't even notice until later that evening.

In some ways having a definitive answer from China is a relief. At least that is one variable in the equation that is taken out. The wait times for a referral were getting rediculously long and were only going to get longer. The long wait time was something that I was not looking forward to. We were possibly looking at a wait time AFTER our paperwork was finished and sent to China and approved of possibly 2-3 years. The paperwork alone can take a few months to get finished and sent off to China. The wait time is so long now that some of the government documents that are needed for the adoption have been expiring before referrals have been coming. That causes extra cost because they need to be re-filed. China has also raised their fees. And well, lets face it, money is definitely an issue. To top it off, a flight from China with a confused, scared toddler. That's no picnic for anyone and was something else that I was not looking forward to. The other countries that we are looking at, at least some of them have shorter travel times and fewer time zone changes. So, while I'm sure we would still be very tired, at least the flight wouldn't be as long.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for all of the sweet comments and well wishes. We are doing ok and just have to keep our minds and hearts open to other options.

1 comment:

trendy georgia said...

Hi, I have just found your blog. I was looking for a keen quilter as I am but I just love hearing about adoptive parents as I myself was adopted(Back in the 60s when it was so much easier. I always said that I would adopt if I couldnt have children naturally but as a surviver and ongoing periodically depressed person I knew that it woild be hard to get through all the beaurocracy. my heart goes out to you. I have two girls and I have always said that the first thing I would do if we ever made it/won it big was to look for lovely people who needed the finance to intercountry adopt. I am absoulutely sure you will adopt and I will check in here regularly. I am from the other side of the world to you and I too watch and get heartbroken over all these children in the world who have a need for loving parents. I have explained to my children that i was adopted and that their Nana and grandad are my true parents, joined by God and just not grown in my Mums belly like they were. I wish you all the best. Cherie

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