In other news I have not been sewing much this week. I did manage to get the quilting done on Kayla's "Turning Twenty". With a little more help from the Boogsie, LOL.
I have yet to cut and do the border. I need to get hopping on it, though. Her birthday is the 29th of this month and I still have to mail it to Illinois. Today, however includes laundry, house cleaning and a wedding reception. (Where I hope to see my good friend Amanda and her family! Yay!)
I would ask, also that you remember my sister, Janet, in your prayers. She is in the hospital with some complications of a surgery that she had done and is in quite a lot of pain.
I hope that you all have a good weekend!
Thanks for your visit and love Boggie all wrapped up in the quiting.
I have just been writing up Miss Moggie's story of how she came to live in this home. Still feel a bit sad when I think back to her prior big sister but my friends are much happier with this version.
I'm glad to see that you cat is feeling much better and lending a helping paw. I do like the new background, its very soothing to look at.
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