They changed his meds again...

We went in for J's pre-op tests and physical on Thursday afternoon. He was hurting really bad that day. He could barely walk more than 10 feet or so. Could barely stand up straight at all. It was a nightmare, to be honest. I was completely frazzled. They literally did his physical with him kneeling on the floor with his head down on a chair. (one of the only tolerable positions that he could find) I was wondering if I was even going to be able to get him home or not. I have never seen someone in so much pain. He talked to the nurse practicioner there and they changed his meds again. Now he is on morphine. That, so far, is working really well, thank God! I didn't know how we were going to make it before. The pain is a lot less with this stuff, but it does make him nauseous if he tries to get up and move around much. Kind of lightheaded and stuff.

Meanwhile I got the crud this weekend. Woke up Friday morning at 3:30 with a sore throat. I went to work Friday anyway. Where I work if you miss the day before or the day after a holiday, you don't get paid for the holiday. That means in order to get paid for Monday, I coulnd't miss Friday or this coming Tuesday. I felt absolutely rotten. Came home and pretty much went straight to bed. Spent most of yesterday in bed, too. I feel a lot better today, so far. Trying to keep things disinfected so that J doesn't get it and they have to postpone surgery or something. That would be bad! So he is sort of living in his "man cave" in the basement and I am staying upstairs mostly. It's a good thing that these new meds are working for him and he is at least a little bit able to fend for himself.

I knitted about two rows yesterday and that was about all I felt like doing. So much crafting going on here! LOL


Amanda Jean said...

I am so glad to hear that J's meds got changed and is feeling some relief from the pain...great news there. Hope that you are finished with the sickness as well!!! You guys sure have had your share of yuck!

Roxanne said...

Glad to hear things are going a little better for J. Hope you are feeling better as well!!

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