FA Quilt

This is my niece, Allison, who has the disease for which I made the quilt to try and raise money for research.
I finally have the quilt drawing under way. I put up the web page last night. Hopefully it will generate some donations for FARA. I put some flyers around town and I want to send out an email to family members, as well. I am attending a women's conference at church all day today, but hope to get the email done either tonight or tomorrow. There will also be a link at the Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance website as soon as I get it emailed to the lady there. I would just ask that if you aren't able to donate, that you would say a prayer that donations would come in. I am a little nervous about the whole thing. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be a flop.


Amanda Jean said...

what you have done is such a sweet and great idea. I hope it all goes well.

Janet said...

The quilt is beautiful! Thanks for your generous and always creative ways to raise money for a cure for FA. We really believe that the cure is on the horizon and hope that it is found in time for our Allison. janetridgely

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