Hooray for Happy Hour!

I finished the Happy Hour quilt last night. I finished the top about a year ago, I figured it was high time I got it sandwiched and quilted up.

These are my two favorite fabrics in it. I used the green paisley for the back, too.

I also had this little visitor in my yard today. The first one I have seen this year! Yay for spring!

I had the afternoon off on Tuesday and it was soooo nice to be able to come home to a quiet house and open up the windows and sew to my little heart's content. That, to me, is a peaceful afternoon. They are way too few and far between.


lifewithquads said...

Quilt turned out great! Why do we tend to put these things off for so long?

Amanda Jean said...

hurray! it's a gorgous finish!

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