Rough night...

J has been in excruciating pain for most of the night tonight (this morning, whatever...). I have been up with him since 3am. Aeris is drinking water out of the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink, and I could not care less. I am trying to decide what to do, whether to call in sick to work so that I can drive him around to where he needs to go today. Or if I should go in and save the sick hours for later in case I need them then. I really think I could afford to take them off as sick hours, I think I have plenty. He is going to call the doctor when they open at 8 and see if he can get in, he's hoping they will give him some muscle relaxers. If this keeps up it is going to be a very long 2 1/2 weeks until his surgery. He has some things that absolutely have to be done at work today, so he has to go in for a little while, but he is in no shape to be driving, so I really don't want him behind the wheel.


Roxanne said...

Oh my gooodness Linda - I hope by now things have gotten better. That must be so hard to see your husband in so much pain. I'll be praying today.

Linda said...

Thanks, Roxanne. I really appreciate it.

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