I finished the reversible jumper for my niece, Mady. I mailed this and the one for her sister, Claire that I made a week or so ago off to Texas on Friday. These are so much fun, quick and easy to make, I may have to do a couple for Etsy.
Once again with the machine applique. It is getting easier to do each time I try it. :)
I also made a new little puppy for my niece Lexi, who loves dogs.
I actually got my tree up last week, but never got any pictures of it until now.
My kitties like it, too and have been really good leaving it alone, although Aeris had to help me put it up.
Finally just a couple of pictures I snapped of my silly booga. She sleeps like this on her back, on her blankie, on the top step, all the time.
You can't tell me that cats can't grin! lol
I hope to try and get caught up on the blocks for the quilt-a-long this weekend. We'll see how that goes.
Hope you all have a good weekend!
Such cute gifts!! I love the puppy you made - did you use a pattern?
Thanks for your comment on my gloves. I actually had a whole paragraph written about how I wear the green & blue striped ones when I'm using the computer because my "mouse hand" gets so cold. Then I thought maybe that sounded weird so I erased it. Glad I'm not the only freezing blogger out there!! :)
Have a great weekend!
I know that the first version of that puppy is very well loved! Zach and I are making a quilt for Spot. he LOVES Spot so much.
the jumper is adorable. and so is the new puppy. and you have one funny kitty. :)
I love the puppy you made as well. It's great! Your cats are so sweet. Cats are the funniest creatures sometime. Good luck catching up with the quilt-a-long. I've had so much fun with it thus far.
I can't remember how I came across your blog a little while ago, but I am so glad I did! Your little jumpers are precious and they inspire me to learn to sew (which is why I started looking at blogs in the first place!) Thanks for the inspiration!
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